Our company may collect and process the following information of Employee Candidates who apply for a job:

- Name, address, date of birth, email address, phone number, and other contact information,

- Resume, cover letter, past or relevant job experience, or other experience, educational status, transcript, language test results, or supporting or explanatory documents related to the job application,

- Records of information obtained during interviews conducted via video conference, telephone, or face-to-face,

- Information obtained from references provided by previous employers or through checks conducted to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the candidate, or information obtained through research conducted by the company,

- Results of recruitment tests identifying skills and personality traits.

Purposes of Collecting and Processing Personal Data of Employee Candidates

Within the scope of the purposes stated in this Policy, our company may collect and process the personal data of Employee Candidates who apply for a job as follows:

- To evaluate the qualification, experience, and interest of the Employee Candidate for the open position,

- If necessary, to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the Employee Candidate or to contact third parties and conduct research about the Employee Candidate,

- To communicate with the Employee Candidate regarding the application and recruitment process,

- To communicate with the Employee Candidate and, if appropriate, refer them to suitable companies,

- To comply with the requirements of any legislation or requests from authorized institutions or organizations,

- To develop and improve our company's personnel recruitment processes.

** Methods of Collecting and Processing Personal Data of Employee Candidates

During the recruitment process, the personal data of Employee Candidates may be collected by the following methods and means, along with or in addition to other methods and means specified in this Policy:

- Through the digital application form published in written or electronic media,

- Through resumes sent by Employee Candidates to the company via email, mail, reference, and similar methods,

- Through employment or consultancy companies,

- During interviews conducted via video conference, telephone, or face-to-face,

- Through checks conducted to verify the accuracy of the information provided by Employee Candidates,

- During research conducted by the company,

- Through recruitment tests identifying skills and personality traits, the results of which are examined by experts.

Research on Employee Candidates

In cases where there is a serious and specific risk related to the company, its clients, or business partners and there is no more reasonable method to obtain the required information, research on Employee Candidates may be conducted. The research will generally aim to verify the accuracy of the information provided by Employee Candidates. Additionally, the research aims to identify any information that Employee Candidates may have withheld, which could pose the aforementioned risks. Within the scope of the research, personal data such as identity information, job, and educational experiences of Employee Candidates may be shared with third parties. Personal data about Employee Candidates may also be obtained from third parties. In cases where research on Employee Candidates is conducted, the company will inform the candidate about the purpose and scope of the research, the personal data used, and the result of the research whenever possible. Employee Candidates can contact the company at any time regarding the research conducted about them.

Personal Data Collected During the Recruitment Process to Be Continued to Be Processed in Case of Employment

All personal data collected and processed about Employee Candidates during the recruitment process will be transferred to the personnel file if the Employee Candidate is decided to be employed for the relevant open position.

Security of Employee Candidates' Personal Data

The security of personal data of employees and candidates applying for a job at the company is not subject to negative discrimination.


Processing in Accordance with Law and Rules of Honesty

In the processing of personal data, the principles brought by legal regulations and the general rule of trust and honesty are adhered to. In this context, personal data is processed proportionally and limited to the purpose for which they are processed.

Ensuring the Accuracy and Up-to-Dateness of Personal Data When Necessary

Taking into account the legitimate interests of Employee Candidates, periodic checks and updates are made to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the processed data, and necessary measures are taken in this regard. In this context, systems for checking the accuracy of personal data and making necessary corrections are established within the company.

Processing for Specific, Explicit, and Legitimate Purposes

Personal data is processed based on specific and definite data processing purposes. Personal data is processed only to the extent necessary for these purposes. The purposes for which the data will be processed are determined before the personal data processing activity begins.

Processing Personal Data in Connection with, Limited to, and Proportionate to the Purpose for Which They are Processed

Personal data is processed in a manner suitable for achieving the specified purposes, and personal data that is not related to the realization of the purpose or is not needed is avoided.

Retention of Personal Data for the Duration Required by Relevant Legislation or for the Purpose for Which They are Processed

The company retains personal data only for the period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed. In this context, it is first determined whether a period is stipulated for the retention of personal data in the relevant legislation, and if a period is specified, it is complied with; if no period is specified, personal data is retained for the period necessary for the purpose for which they are processed. If the period expires or the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, personal data is deleted, destroyed, or anonymized according to the policies applied by our company, unless there is a legal reason allowing for their longer retention.

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