  • Feather Options
  • Merino
  • Domestic


Washing and Polishing

This product designed for amateur users; It is designed to be used when washing and polishing vehicles such as automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, yachts and boats. It is also used for polishing furniture and metal accessories.

Quality Resillience Density Fat Ratio Thinness
70s / 80s High - Good Low - Mid 20% - 30% 23 - 29 Micron

This product designed for amateur users; It is designed to be used when washing and polishing vehicles such as automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, yachts and boats. It is also used for polishing furniture and metal accessories.

Option Quality Resilience Density Oil Ratio Fineness
Merino 60s / 70s High - Good Low - Mid 30% - 35% 21,3 - 27 Micron
Domestic 70s / 80s High - Good Low - Mid 20% - 30% 23 - 29 Micron
tests image
0 SN
Lambskin Pad Lambskin Pad

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 32 ºC

Foam Foam

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 32 ºC

30 SN
Lambskin Pad Lambskin Pad

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 51,4 ºC

Foam Foam

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 67 ºC

45 SN
Lambskin Pad Lambskin Pad

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 66 ºC

Foam Foam

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 89 ºC

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