Hybrid Orbital
  • Feather Options
  • Merino
  • Midsole Options
  • Non-Flexible
  • Flexible

Hybrid Orbital

100% Effect for Scratch and Hologram

The blue Non-Flexible midsole has a rigid structure. You can get scratches much faster on flat surfaces.
Thanks to its flexible (x≤30°) white midsole, it provides the opportunity to work on angled surfaces.

Quality Resillience Density Fat Ratio Thinness
60s / 70s High - Good Low - Mid 30% - 35% 21,3 - 27 Micron

When polishing with Merino Hybrid Orbital compared to other synthetic products;

The keratin feature of the feather structure allows the compound to stay on the surface.

Up to 35% less compound is used.

Compared to synthetic products, hybrid orbital removes scratches up to 40% faster without creating holograms (Cloudy).

Pneumatic and electric orbital machines operate at a maximum of 12,000 rpm and a 21mm orbit.

The hybrid orbital wool pad is resistant to operating at this power.

%100 Effect
For Scratch and Hologram

Product Name Diameter Measurements Wool Height
Hybrid Orbital 55 mm80 mm125 mm130 mm135 mm150 mm160 mm 5 mm

Option Quality Resilience Density Oil Ratio Fineness
Merino Non-Flexible 60s / 70s High - Good Low - Mid 30% - 35% 21,3 - 27 Micron
Merino Flexible 60s / 70s High - Good Low - Mid 30% - 35% 21,3 - 27 Micron
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