  • Feather Options
  • Balance
  • Midsole Options
  • Soft
  • Hard


Technological Midsole

The pink pad is recommended for flat surfaces and furniture industry.
The cream pad is recommended for flexible and ergonomic areas and also for automotive, air craft industry and for yatching sector.

Quality Resillience Density Fat Ratio Thinness
70s / 80s High - Good Low - Mid 20% - 30% 26 - 29 Micron

Why Should You Use?

Thanks to technological adhesive within the pad, balance achieves maximum success in applications made by orbital machine.

The special structure of pink pad + cream pad provides your machine to make balance.

When you make pressure to the Balance Polishing Pad, the Pink Pad + Cream Pad absorbs the pressure that come from the surface. It leaves the force equally to the surface. Thus, it provides equally finishing

Product Name Diameter Measurements Wool Height
Balance Lambskin Polishing Pad 80 mm, 125 mm, 130 mm, 135 mm, 150 mm, 160 mm, 180 mm 17 mm, 25 mm

Option Quality Resilience Density Oil Ratio Fineness
Balance Soft 70s / 80s High - Good Low - Mid 20% - 30% 26 - 29 Micron
Balance Hard 70s / 80s High - Good Low - Mid 20% - 30% 26 - 29 Micron
tests image
0 SN
Lambskin Pad Lambskin Pad

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 32 ºC

Foam Foam

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 32 ºC

30 SN
Lambskin Pad Lambskin Pad

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 51,4 ºC

Foam Foam

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 67 ºC

45 SN
Lambskin Pad Lambskin Pad

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 66 ºC

Foam Foam

Temperature of the place : 32 ºC
Temperature of the bonnet : 89 ºC

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